Adrienne Denniston

Adrienne was photographed on 10/19/23.

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. —EE Cummings

What really matters to you?

One of my most cherished achievements is my Motherhood.  If I had to close my eyes and just choose ONE thing that matters to me the most, it would be the way my children see me, trust me, reach for me.  I want them to know the authentic me. The messy, beautiful, happy, sad, excited, scared and courageous me.  When they were little, I wanted to protect them. Now, as young adults, I want to prepare them.  Life is messy sometimes, and I want them to know, that it's not the mess that matters, it is what you do after the mess. That is where the rubber hits the road.  I am grateful and honored to be a momma and nothing could have prepared me for how much my children have taught me about myself. They still teach me!


What brings you happiness?

Connection brings me happiness.  I am at my best when I am connected to the people and nature around me.  I believe it's when we are connected with integrity, honesty, love and kindness, there is this universal flow happening all around me.  It's this sweet spot that you can only feel when you have arrived.  I also find it is hard to achieve and stay connected with all the pressures that life brings.  Life's pressures seem to pop me in and out of this flow, one day I am there and the next, not so much!  I am a work in progress and perfectly imperfect!


What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced?

6 Years ago, I left my marriage of 20 years. It has been and still is one of the biggest challenges I face.  No one can prepare you for the difficulties you will face when you make a decision like that.  Although it was the right decision, doesn't mean it was the easy decision. Sometimes doing what is right means you are about to turn your life upside down, along with everyone's around you.  The guilt, the pain, the sadness of breaking up my family of 4 was almost unbearable.  Still to this day, I think I am totally fine and then...Bam!  Something triggers all those emotions and I just start to cry.


I am slowly learning how to move through these feelings and challenges and it takes time. It takes a lot of deep diving and it is not always fun what you see. I am learning to love myself more. I am learning to forgive myself. I am learning, not everyone is meant to stay in your life, even if you wish they could.  I am learning every day and grateful to be open to do so.


What would you change if you could?

Oh, this is a hard one!  If you change one thing it changes everything!  I think if I had to tell my younger self something, I would say, "Stop chasing those boys and put all that time and energy into YOU"!  I realize now, that I was looking for love, acceptance, and attention in all the wrong places.  I realize now, that since my father wasn't present at the time, I was looking to fill something that felt empty inside of me.  As they say, hindsight is 20/20.

What single word do you identify with?




Adrienne is the owner of Heart Boutique located in Westlake Village, California. She believes that if you lead with your heart, with transparency, vulnerability, and kindness, you will allow your true self to be seen. She leads with purpose and compassion to cultivate a “HAPPY PLACE” at the boutique.


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